Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Faithful February

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord for the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Matthew 9:37-38

The above verse really speaks to how I have felt this month as the number of people myself and other church members have started to disciple has grown. There are so many people who are hungry to study God's truth with us and there are so few of us. With that said please pray for us and for our disciples, as we teach them we encourage them to share what they have learned with others, may they be brave and reach out to those around them with the good news of the gospel. 

February started off with a trip back to Iowa for a good friend's wedding and to surprise another friend for her birthday! It was a quick trip and priceless memories were made. I had not seen a February in Iowa is over 4 years, the negative temperatures were no fun. 

 Once back in Mexico I hit the ground running with bible studies, kid's ministry and teaching Daniela how to read. Rebecca asked me if I was going to jump right back in, to which I said, "YES!" However by the end of the week I had a cold and was wishing for a little time to recover. 

Things with the children are going great. They love coming over on Tuesdays, eating, playing games, memorizing AWANA verses and reading God's word together. AWANA is also going great, the kids are learning and growing so much! We had two new families at church on Sunday, kids from AWANA that brought their parents! 

Two fun things from this past month: 
I taught the lesson on Sarah waiting for Isaac dressed as Sarah. The kids learned that sometimes it is hard to wait on the Lord but in these times our faith grows and we learn to trust in Him. 
A different Saturday the kids got extra points for their teams by wearing a mask to AWANA. Several came to my house during the week to make these. It was fun to see them be so creative and excited to show them off to their friends in the park. 

Our church was invited to a night of fellowship at two other churches the weekend of Valentines. There we played games, shared wonderful food, were encouraged by God's word and what it teaches about love, and enjoyed time with friends.  

Two special prayer requests for this month: 
  • Daniela: my young friend who I was teaching to read has been taken back to live with her mom. I was so encouraged by how she was doing with reading and writing, had even started a bible study with her older sister. Please pray for God to work in this situation and for Daniela and her sister to continue to seek Christ. The sister still lives here so hopefully we can continue our bible study together. 
  • Lucy: mom to two of our AWANA kids and a new believer in Christ. Always gets around on a motorcycle here in town, had an accident two weeks ago, is doing much better. Pray that she keeps doing well and that this situation will bring other family members to know Christ. Praise the Lord with us that she is doing so well and is recovering at home. (she is the lady in the long back dress to my left in the picture on the left above) 
Thank you so much for your prayers and support! God is good! 


Fellowship International Mission
555 S 24th St 
Allentown, PA 18104 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Alicia! Love in Jesus, Jim and Esther Bartsch
