Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Joyful January

"And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.'"
Revelation 21:5

At the beginning of January several church friends helped me celebrate my birthday! It was a fun day and I felt very blessed and loved. God has given me so many wonderful gifts and surprises so far in life, I am excited to see what He will do next. 

The day after my birthday my parents and a good friend of the family came to visit. We had a great week. A few of the highlights were showing them my ministry here in Mexico and going on a zipline adventure. 
Another new adventure that started this year is teaching Daniela (10) how to read. She is one of the kids here in the community who comes faithful to church and AWANA. She told us that she can't go to school because she doesn't know how to read. To help her she comes over 3 times a week and we learn together for an hour. Pray that she keeps learning and that she will put her faith in Jesus. 
It has been a busy month getting everything started again after the holidays. Thank you for all your prayers for the ministry here. Continue to pray for the 6 ladies I am doing individual bible studies with. One of them who never comes to church, came for the first time on Sunday!! Pray for the 6-8 kids who come on Tuesdays, pray for their salvation and desire to study God's word. Pray for those whom we are visiting, that they would be open to the good news of the gospel. 

Thank you so much for you support and prayers. So many good things are happening here, it fills my heart with joy and love for the Lord.


Fellowship International Mission
555 S 24th St 
Allentown, PA 18104

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